Wednesday 11 April 2012

What Is Acne?

Acne is commonly known as pimples, it is a skin disease that often suffer the people during their teenage years. Acne predominantly affects the face, but can also show up on your back, neck, shoulders and chest. While it is most common among young adults appear to be good. Neither race or gender is an indicator of acne as it affects both men and women and all races equally.
The medical term for it is acne vulgaris. It may be the lesions that are diagnosed on the skin. These lesions can be in various forms: blackheads and cysts. Cysts are formed when the pore is completely blocked. Acne is most common during puberty, because at this time, your body is the creation of an excess of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance developed to lubricate and soften the hair and the skin. During puberty, the sebum is greatly increased, which may lead one to feel the skin, oily and clog the pores.
During puberty, there is also an increase in the production of follicle cells. Dead follicle cells mixed with sebum can build up and cause white heads. This mixture of oil and dead cells is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria that cause the swelling and redness associated with pimples.
Acne affects about 85% of all people at some point between the ages of 12-24. Around 25% of these people have acne on your back and / or neck and face. The acne is severe enough to cause about 40% of these people to go to that medical treatment.
Acne is most commonly the face, especially on the forehead, nose and chin. The back is the second most common area of ??trouble through the neck, chest and shoulders.
Most people are their acne problems by the time they reach their twenty’s have grown, but some people will continue to suffer from acne as adults. In some cases people do not have acne problems until they grow up, this happens more frequently in men than in women.
Acne can be a severe emotional and psychological effects. Since its appearance, it also affects their self-image and self esteem. Young people are particularly vulnerable to this attack on their self-confidence and can even cause depression and withdraw and feelings of anger and frustration.
Fortunately, nowadays there are many treatments that can help with acne. The most important thing to be done to prevent or alleviate acne can be, to the skin as clean and oil free as possible. Washing of the most common problem areas several times daily with soap and water, especially after any activity that causes sweating is usually sufficient. There are many medications available on prescription and over the counter to help with acne control.
If the acne is strong enough, you can consult a dermatologist who can prescribe medications for the skin and antibiotics to fight the bacteria. You can also discuss nutrition and lifestyle changes that might help with the condition.

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